Introducing Pirate Shore Proxy
Posted: September 25th, 2013 | Author: The Pirate Shore | Filed under: General | Tags: Anonymous surfing, Free internet, Pirate Shore Proxy, Unblock the web | Comments Off on Introducing Pirate Shore ProxyWe’re happy to announce an exciting new feature to our site, from now own you can unblock any website you want to or just visit sites anonymously with the Pirate Shore Proxy.
How does it work?
Instead of visiting a website directly through your ISP (Internet Service Provider) and being subject to blockades and tracking, you will be telling our server to visit the website for you and display it on your screen. It will protect you from tracking as it is our server who visits the website not you and it will circumvent any blockades imposed by your ISP’s.
How will I get there?
There’s two ways to visit the Pirate Shore Proxy.
1. Directly
2. Through the Navigation Bar
– If you want to visit Pirate Shore Proxy directly, type into your browser.
– We have updated the Pirate Shore homepage with a new navigation bar. It is fairly straight-forward but we’ll explain here in any case.
If you visit you will notice two new buttons on the left side.
The top one, with the ‘P’ logo, will direct you to the Proxy.
The second button, with the bird logo, will bring you to our Twitter page where we will be taking feedback and suggestions as well as keeping you up to date with our site-status and new features.
Soon we’ll post a detailed explanation of the advanced options for the Proxy.
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