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Announcement: Pirate Shore Proxy is now The Proxy Shore

Posted: October 27th, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: General | 2 Comments »

In an effort to streamline our services’ names and adding the possibility for further innovations we have decided to rename the Pirate Shore Proxy to The Proxy Shore.
It will still have all the features you are used to and the only actual difference is the new name and the fact that now you can access it via: or if you want an encrypted connection (which we recommend)

When connecting through SSL you will get a security risk message, telling you our certificate isn’t trusted.
This is because we’re paying for these services out of our own pockets and therefore can’t afford an official certificate at this moment in time. We hope in the future to be able to change this.

Alternatively, will now automatically redirect you to


We wish you happy anonymous surfing and much fun enjoying an uncensored internet!


Note: You can also access The Proxy Shore through

2 Comments on “Announcement: Pirate Shore Proxy is now The Proxy Shore”

  1. 1 Commonet Quota Control said at 18:02 on November 2nd, 2013:

    Does that mean we can now experience the fabulous Traffic Quota Control error message anywhere on the web?

  2. 2 The Pirate Shore said at 18:51 on November 2nd, 2013:

    No, that error is Pirate Shore specific and we are working hard to resolve that issue. The Proxy Shore has no known errors, so you can browse the web freely and error-free.
    We hope to have the Pirate Shore run without errors by the end of the weekend. A temporary fix for the Quota error is reloading the page (a few times if necessary).